Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Lucky Day

Well I was wondering what to blog about this week, tearing out my overlong hair and generally winding myself up.

But then - and apologies in advance for dancing perilously close the circle the hell reserved exclusively for boasters - I go and win not one, but two competitions today! Both fairly small, but offering great prizes.

First off was the competition of podmasters Tim Clague and Danny Stack - check out their most noble, friendly and necessary podcast here, and for answering their question right I won a heap of goodies - Movie Magic Screenwriting software, a DVD of Screenwriters interviews and a subscription to Moviescope magazine. Yay!

Mr Stack also took up my challenge of comparing and contrasting True Blood and Being Human, which I shamelessly suggested after doing exactly the same thing on my blog, here (the secret is, re-use your content. But maybe don't boast about it.)

So, excitement all over, I can home to find an email from Circalit saying my review of the spec script Gilgamesh on their site had won Review of the Month, earning me a free full coverage report from Industrial Scripts, a service I had been eying up already because of their talent connector.

Just hoping this run lasts til tomorrow when I can grab a  lottery ticket at the local newsagent.

Boast over, 

and many thank and worshipfullnesses to the kind competition people and the luck Gods.

What will tomorrow bring?

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